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Karl Geis Ryu of Judo and Aikido Mission Statement and Code of Conduct 


Dojo mission

1. To propagate Karl Geis Sensei's system of martial arts and foster the growth or our Judo, Aikido, and Jyodo in accordance with our Sensei's principles.

2. To teach and practice traditional Japanese martial arts in a safe, nurturing, non-competitive environment using positive reinforcement as a catalyst for our students' growth.


Principles of the arts

1. The principles of the martial art systems are based on non-competitive techniques using motion and off-balance techniques (Kuzushi). Strength based techniques and competitive behavior are not welcome in the dojo.


Karl’s priorities for students

1. Kano's principles of “mutual welfare and benefit” and “minimum effort maximum efficiency” should be a goal in your training.

2. We are to be vigilant with regard to safety; each student is responsible for his training partner’s safety.

3. We are to train and teach using the principles of the Montessori methods of education.

4. We are to use positive reinforcement teaching methods so students are both emotionally and physically safe in the dojo. Karl’s greatest joy was seeing confidence grow within his students.

5. Be fair and vigilant against bias, bigotry, elitism and arrogance.

6. Any student who feels mistreated, misused, or misunderstood should seek to speak to the instructor about the problem.


Dojo Code of Conduct

1. We will have zero tolerance for physical violence off of the mat which occurs in the dojo or anywhere on the dojo premises. Any occurrence of this sort will result in immediate expulsion from the dojo.

2. We will have zero tolerance for any verbal threats of physical harm occurring on the dojo premises. Any incident of this sort will be reviewed by the board who will decide on an appropriate course of action.

3. No guns will be allowed in the Dojo. “Under Texas law, if a child under 17 years of age gains access to a readily dischargeable firearm (i.e., loaded with ammunition, whether or not a round is in the chamber), a person is criminally liable if he or she, “with criminal negligence”.

4. All footwear must be removed prior to getting on the mat.

5. Fingernails and toenails need to be kept short at all times

6. No jewelry is allowed on the mat.

7. Criticism should not be used as a teaching tool.

8. Positive reinforcement should be utilized as often as possible as our primary teaching tool.


Karl’s priorities for the martial arts

1. Explore Tomiki's principle of not using strength in your techniques:

- Regress to weakness in your training.

- Train as if everything is going against you and you still need to survive.

- There is no such thing as too slow or too soft, if the technique does not work soft and slow it will not work hard and fast against a larger opponent.

- Strength to be used as a last resort as using strength means you are choosing to risk winning and losing at that moment. Strength can only be used if your timing is perfect.

2. Use constant motion; once you start moving, keep moving; learn how to execute your techniques without stopping.

3. Be aware of foot strike timing in the execution of your techniques as this is the moment your opponent is most vulnerable.

4. Be indeterminate in the execution of your techniques; let your opponent choose the timing of his defeat.

5. Transcend victory and defeat, train without worrying about winning or losing, focus on the principles not the outcome.

6. Assume your techniques will fail and move on to the next alternative technique, don’t fall into the trap of thinking “’I’m going to do XYZ technique to my opponent or training partner”.

7. Develop automatic, sub-conscious reactions to attack stimulus.

8. Pain should not be part of your training.

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